The Garden
Vegetable Garden
While being organic and sustainable, TerraMesa has donated thousands of pounds of produce to Mesa College students.
This began in 2015 as the Associated Student government provided $1,500 for the start-up costs which enabled the very first vegetable plot to be planted and fenced in. Since then, TerraMesa has added on a total of 8 plots and a greenhouse!
Meditation Garden
With the help of our volunteers, we have established a space in the garden dedicated to creating a sense of community. This is an ongoing project that utilizes the untouched land by building an area where students can come to connect with nature, study, or even use as a space where their club can host meetings. We invite students to get involved with this project and take pride in their work.
Compost Hub
San Diego Mesa College partnered with Food2Soil to create a compost hub by the TerraMesa garden. This pilot project lasted through December 2018. Thanks to Patton and the cafeteria crew for supporting this project, for Tony and the Facilities crew, and to Food2Soil's Michael for making it happen! During the pilot program, more than 7 tons of food scraps were diverted from the landfill. This equates to a reduction of 5.4 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions. This has the same carbon sequestration effect as 6.4 acres of U.S. forests. The composting partnership is continuing through June 2019.
We're also working on a prototype for a vermicomposting (worm composting) bin: The Worm Wizard. You can check out more information here.
Native Seed Library
You get free native seeds to use in your garden! When the plants make seeds, bring some back to the library to share.
Launched at Mesa College in March 2022, our NSL makes it easy for the community to incorporate native plants into their residences and the local community. Students, faculty, and community members will be able to check native seeds in & out for your yard, patios, and balconies... for free!
The benefits of gardening are numerous and well-documented, both for people and wildlife! Everyone can participate in conserving native plants, pollinators, and wildlife that depend on them, even with a small number of native plants.
TerraMesa invites you to join us in sustainability and environmental conservation efforts!
TerraMesa’s Native Seed Library is inside the LRC and filled with many native seeds for you!